Meng Meng is a silly and fanciful girl, like to wear a sweater, so my friends called "sweater Meng Meng. Meng Meng like a daze, especially trance like in the library, sometimes facing the book, the soul can fly out of the way all the way far-fetched. Meng Meng did not know which book to see were the words read, "Life is either an adventureor nothing - Helen Keller
Meng Meng immediately by the stimulus, the soul flew to the winds. Fancies himself ared, Woman of the general attitude, Jian Mei Dousou standing, eyes bright and piercing,look confident and firm. Blue brick red walls of the trail's own beauty walk back and forth.
Meng Meng is a silly and fanciful girl, like to wear a Cheap Clothes.