
Let hand-painted to tell you that one can not say that secret

Like to listen to Mayday "Cangjie always sunny afternoon, lazily nest in the corner, wearing headphones, single cycle, the edge code word to look downstairs in a hurry. If there is no text, the world will become what we have experienced is real exist or are just a dream? Today, let Xiaobian to show the charm of hand-painted.
"How sweet a grape, the exhaustion of all totem and language to describe to a person how much he missed, then text the moment of failure." A friend once told me a sprout dialogue, the little girl askedboy, "do you like me?" the little boy replied: "I like you." Do you like me Where are you? "" Where I like. "At that time I felt, yes, like the feeling is, there is nowhat language is appropriate to depict, but just an innocent like just an innocent and the other has been together.

